Airfield, the former home of Letitia and Naomi Overend, is a 42 acre estate that has been open to the public since 1998. Located just outside of Dundrum, Dublin, the Airfield Estate is a unique fertile and delightful ‘ecosystem’; a family experience, working farm, fecund gardens and much more in the midst of urban and suburban development.

Haslam + Co. Architects created an enhanced landscape of farm and garden activities, eco structures and buildings that make a positive contribution to the unique ‘Airfield experience’.

Conservation work, that strengthens the architectural character of the existing building stock, was undertaken; and the development of sustainable and energy efficient designs based on passive measures, underpinned both new and restoration work. As well as a new entrance and car parks, the team have created a new shop and entrance pavilion, new water side restaurant, new facilities for education, horticulture, car display and a new farmyard complex.

Completed: 2014